So I totally neglected to keep tabs on the tour via this blog. This will be remedied.
Tour has been going really well — so far, we've played three shows.
Thursday was Nashville @ 5 Spot with Denney and the Jets/Daniel Pujol, ACTION!, and Natalie Prass. All of these bands were so very good — by far, one of the best sounding shows I've ever seen at the 5 spot — I was surprised how well the acoustics turned out. Playing with some of my favorite people and musicians in Nashville was super-special and (despite a tornado warning) we had some of my best friends and random people come out and it was a very good and chill way to kickoff the tour (complete with numerous stuffed animals, freaky life-sized Barbie and collapsing tin-foil stage reflectors). The next day, before packing up, we caught a midnight showing of obscure Japanese horror/comedy HOUSE (HAUSU). Which, of course, kicked all of our asses — so good!
Friday we played in Louisville Kentucky at a neat cafe called Derby City Espresso. Special thanks to Matt Kinder from Parade Schedule for setting it up and playing one of the best sets I'd seen in a while. These guys also just signed to the Record Machine label and I couldn't be happier to be labelmates with such a talented band. Matt was super-cool and let us crash while making sure we got our fair dose of Batman movies — right on. To make matters only better, Danny (Parade Schedule's bassist) and his wife hosted us the following morning for an exceptional breakfast/brunch. Biscuits, veggie-gravy, melons, cereal, donuts and eggs were consumed in mass quantities. Yet nothing could prepare us for the badass Bananas Foster desert treat — basically orgasmic.
Saturday we played our second show with Parade Schedule, this time in Bloomington, IN at another cafe called the Pourhouse. This was a seriously great time as I was super stoked to be catching the ridiculously great band Heavy Hometown. Not only the nicest guys in the world, this band kicked so much ass — if you haven't heard them, you need to. But special thanks to Anna from the Pourhouse for opening up the doors despite the cafe not usually being open on Sundays. It was a great night and very positive. Afterwards, shots, beer and Jimmy Johns took the edge off before Empire Strikes Back and cannabis made for a giggly, absurdist late-night conversation before dreamland. Special thanks to Eric for putting us up and to Cory for the shots and good vibes.
Sitting with mediocre coffee at a friendly coffee shop in Ukrainian village (??) of Chicago before we play at the Darkroom — Monday night in Chicago? Yes, expectations aren't sky high to say the least. Still, a good time is guaranteed because it's been so much fun to play the songs with Scott and Jon. We're in great spirits and I can't imagine being in a better frame of mind for this trek.
Stay tuned for more updates and if you're in town, we'd love to see you at a show — be real.