Sunday, May 17, 2009

Links, Links, and Sausage links

So, it's been a while.


Since last post, I got a few interviews published with a couple of my favorite artists:

Take a gander —

Interview with Charlie Looker from Extra Life: CLICK HERE

Interview with Randy Chabot from Deastro: CLICK HERE

In other news, I watched a pretty good documentary on the life and art of Henry Darger (one of his paintings is pictured above) called In the Realms of the Unreal.

Watch it before youtube takes that shit down! clackity click

Also, I've been busy getting kicked out of my apartment, finding new housing and working on art, music and writing.

Same old same old — more or less.

Some of my new illustrations/weirdness may be found here: CLOCKITY CLICK CLACK

All right, enough links already!

Hope the warm weather finds you and finds you well.


p.s. The second picture (below the Darger) is when Jonathan and I played at Calvin's FFM at the DAAC. A perhapsy tour is coming up for late July/early August — stay tuned...